Mistakes to be avoided during an online job interview
With companies turning to online job interviews for screening and shortlisting candidates, it is important to familiarize yourself with the new virtual interview process. If you have never faced a virtual interview before, do not worry. Here are some common mistakes that you should avoid.
Distractions and Disturbances
Try to avoid distractions. Avoid sitting in a messy area and keep your background clean and well-lit. Keep a pen and notepad handy to keep your focus on things you want to talk about. Use earphones to avoid any distractions and to stay focused.
Poor connectivity and bad visual appeal
Avoid last-minute connection on an online platform the interviewer has chosen to conduct an interview with you. This gives you sufficient time to check internet connectivity and plan accordingly. To avoid bandwidth issues, request members at home to limit or avoid net surfing during your interview time.
Inappropriate dress code
Dressing professionally makes you feel more focused and confident during an interview. Dress up professionally and wear a business suit to look your best. Remember, your first impression is the best and last impression. Attend the interview as if you are having a face-to-face interview.
Bad body language
It's important to maintain eye contact and good posture with the interviewer, irrespective of whether it is a virtual or face-to-face interview. Your body language plays an equally important role in a virtual interview and speaks out your personality traits. Many candidates are not aware of how they should conduct their body movements and posture. Always keep that smile on your face, even if you are nervous.